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105 Reflections

I had no idea what to expect when I signed up for this class. My workload mostly consists of various math and computational classes, so I was very excited to have a not-so-left-brain experience. I assumed it would be quite easy- but I was wrong. Photoshop turned out to be quite overwhelming. For someone who comfortably codes in C++ and Java, I found it to be quite cumbersome. After lots of practice, I realized that I would need more practice and more and more and.... well you get the idea. Anyway, after a few weeks of neglecting my other studies, I began to improve and I noticed something about myself and creativity; I'm not sure if we've ever met before. Either that, or I hadn't seen them in so long, I've practically forgotten who they are.


In these past few months, I have learned that it is very important for us to express who we are and what we think in whichever way best suits us. How we do this is what creativity is. In the past five years I haven't expressed myself very much and that has begun to change. I've learned that I need unleash the hurricane of ideas that I've held within, and to embrace whatever disaster may become of them. After the storm is the calm, so I should be confident in the process. This blog is the beginning. I am going to use this platform to write about my thoughts and ideas, something I've always wanted to do. So in closing, this class has giving me a special gift, the best gift, which is a gift I never expected.

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